Getting Started with Video: Types of Videos You Can Create

It has become clear that video marketing is a key component in establishing a brand and marketing your products and services whether local or global. What befuddles many marketers is how to actually get started with video marketing, and what types of videos they can make.

Know your objectives before making your videos!

It’s critical to understand the reason you are making these videos from the beginning, so that you can enhance their chances of success in addition to save you a ton of time and effort! Below are some ways that businesses can use video for their marketing.

  • Brand building
  • Video info products
  • Webinars and workshops
  • Product launch videos
  • Promotional or sales videos

What sort of videos should I make?

After you’ve decided how you would like to use video marketing in your business, you need to choose what kinds of videos to produce. There are many different types of videos that could work for you.

Video Slideshow – Simple to make and distribute, you simply create slides in PowerPoint or Keynote (Mac) and then save them in a video format, narrating the video or adding music. You can create these in minutes.

Live videos – Also referred to as talking head videos, this has people are talking live. You can record these in a variety of ways, by using a smartphone, camera, or even an iPad.

Google Hangouts – Google Hangouts has developed into a quick and easy way to record a webinar or other presentation live and have it available for later use. It integrates with YouTube account easily.

Screenshares – This is when you basically record your screen as you narrate your topic. Software for doing this includes Camtasia, Jing, or Snagit.

Livestreaming video – There are several services available that can get your event live streaming on the Web.

Animated videos – Who doesn’t like animation? If you thought they were beyond your skills, think again. Services like Videoscribe and Powtoon make it simple and easy!