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5 Key Marketing Automation Strategies for Time-Strapped Business Owners

  In today’s dynamic and demanding business landscape, time is a precious commodity. For business owners, especially those juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, finding the time to manage all aspects of their marketing efforts can be an uphill battle. This is where marketing automation comes in as a game-changer, offering a lifeline for time-strapped businessContinue reading

To Hire or Not to Hire a Full-time Marketing Director?

To get your digital marketing performing at its optimum, you would need a Marketing Director to oversee the strategy and implementation. However, a Marketing Director would cost you $11,000 to $11,500 a month. This is a huge cost to deal with for most small business owners like you. As with any HR activity, there isContinue reading

Follow-up with your Potential Customers through Ad Retargeting

When it comes to remarketing, some businesses have no idea what it means, or the benefits that it can bring by getting visitors (who left your website empty-handed) back to your website and purchasing what they were looking for. It is important for a business to take every advantage that there is to convert aContinue reading

What Goes into Creating Optimal Content and Customer Experience

On the internet, standing out poses a daunting challenge, and at the same time, the best opportunity for creativity and bringing some attention to your site. Adding the extra “POW” to your content will pique a customer’s’ curiosity, build their interest, and over the course of a few transactions, earn their loyalty. This is achievedContinue reading

Are you using Facebook to promote your business?

A Social Media Marketing Industry Report by Social Media Examiner revealed that Facebook is the most popular channel used by 94% of the survey respondents. Twitter follows with 68%, LinkedIn at 56%, and Instagram at 54%. 72% of B2C marketers project an increased Facebook usage more than their B2B counterparts at 63%. Are you activelyContinue reading

Keep Your Business’ Remarkable Reputation Online and Get More Customers

You do your best to give your customers great service, but does everyone else know that? Keeping up your business’ good reputation online is just as important as its credibility offline. Here’s some things you can do to make sure the first thing customers see when they look up your business is a business worthContinue reading

Grow your Business with AdWords. Now with Google Optimize + Google Surveys 360

Do you think your PPC campaigns aren’t optimized to the fullest? How much is your ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)? What is your CTR (Click-through Rate)? What’s your Cost per Acquisition? What’s your Abandonment Rate? We will perform the evaluation, identify the problems and recommend the next steps to take. Your PPC campaigns should beContinue reading

How Online Review Sites Place a Huge Impact On Businesses

Most small businesses and companies don’t think about online reviews and the impact they can have both positively and negatively on your business. Some business owners are afraid to find no reviews, and some are afraid of finding bad reviews. These are definitely not reasons to ignore the power of review sites. Business reviews areContinue reading

Is Your Business Website Fully Optimized for the User Experience?

If your company or business website hasn’t been updated, or there are no plans to update it, you should change that strategy. User behavior is continuously evolving, and one of the most significant changes is that more people are using their smartphone devices every day. If you have ever used your phone to browse websitesContinue reading

Get Customer Reviews and Rev up your Revenue

Online reviews are crucial to managing your reputation, gaining trust and building confidence. Trust is a key element to gaining and maintaining customers. Do you remember asking for a friend’s opinion about a product before deciding to buy? Didn’t you become more excited after hearing encouraging feedback? That’s exactly how online reviews work. Let’s takeContinue reading

Keyword Research is a Critical Success Factor in SEO

Keyword Research allows you to gain intelligence on the actual queries of your potential customers are using and how big the monthly search volume is for those terms. Through this research, it is easy to determine the keywords for your SEO campaign. More than 80% of buyers research online before making a big purchase. IfContinue reading

3 Reasons Why You Should Start Using Google AdWords Today!

Are you looking to grow your business? Are you hoping to bring in new customers? Do you want to see that bottom line grow? Successful business owners with an eye to the future should be able to answer yes to all those questions. Here at , we understand the value of growth to a business,Continue reading

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