December 15, 2017 5-Minute Website Workshop

Your website is a vital piece of your business, and we want you to have the most traffic possible going through it every day. That is why we put together these “Must-Haves” that you need to be checking on a regular basis in order to ensure you are gaining the most customers possible.

While working through this list we suggest pulling your website up next to this window so that you can properly analyze your site.

First, we will take a look at whether or not the website is correctly designed

Your website…

Must be user-friendly
Must set a clear path for customers to make a purchase
Must have trust signals
Name of the Business Owner
Address, Phone
Must have security
Use HTTPS or Secure Sockets Layer
Must have customer support contact information

Now let’s take a look at the answers that the customer is looking for when they get to your website. No matter what point the customer is in the buying process, they are going to have questions and concerns.

You need to have the answers to these questions readily available to them or they will quickly move on to another site that does.

Why should they buy from you?
What benefits your product/service will give to them?
What Features does it offer?
What are the technical details and specifications?
Where are the guides and tutorials?
Do you have any testimonials from real customers?

These are all things that you need to have on your website to ensure the steady flow of customers coming through your site. Even addressing one or two issues that you noticed while reviewing this list can have a major impact on the number of customers you see moving through your website.

If you need help redesigning your site, or creating a new one contact us at

December 13, 2017 5 Ways To Use Reviews as Marketing Content!

If you are struggling with coming up with content for your marketing, then look no further!

Your reviews can be a source of inspiration. Using your reviews as marketing content can help promote your reputation, which in turn helps you to gain the trust and loyalty of your customers.

We know you are busy so we compiled a list of tips you can begin using:

Write a backstory of a review to showcase
your values, feature an employee, and to appreciate the customer.

Gain the trust of your target audience by showcasing your values, featuring employees and appreciating the customer.

2. Create a storyline around a sequence of reviews and publish it as an article

Storytelling is a great way to get the attention of potential customers. Formulate stories that are relatable and attracting to your target audience. Leave your audience wanting more of your company.

3. Create videos based on your reviews

Create short videos thanking your customers for their positive reviews.

4. Post your positive reviews on your website

Feature your positive reviews on the front page of your website.

5. Post your positive reviews on social media

Post your positive reviews on social media for everyone to see.

Want to learn more? Don’t hesitate to call or email us with your questions.

(404) 419-7404,

December 9, 2017 Is Your Business Anti-Social? Putting the ‘Social’ Back into Social Media Marketing

If you’re among the business owners who are posting and sharing content through Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms, then you’re off to a good start.

But if you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, chances are that’s because your social media isn’t actually very social. Posting and sharing content just isn’t enough!

However, how do you put the ‘social’ back in social media and take your social media marketing game to the next level? By creating opportunities for your customers to get involved in the conversation and get to know you and your brand.

1. Post conversational status messages.

This will humanize your brand. Remind people that your business is run by individuals who care about their products and their customers, not by some faceless corporate machine. Allow your customers to connect with you on a human level.

2. Post videos of yourself talking to your target customers.

As a business owner, showing your face builds trust and, again, humanizes your brand.

3. Ask questions. Hear their story.

Ask about their needs and get feedback on your products or services. The exchange will benefit both you and your customers. You’ll be helping your customers feel like they are a valued part of your business, and as a business owner, you will gain valuable insight about your target customers.

4. Respond to comments.

Being social means engaging in a two-way conversation. When your customers reach out to you, make them feel heard and keep them engaged by responding thoughtfully to their comments.

Do these things, and your business will not only have gone social, but it will start taking off.

Need help? Contact us at

December 19, 2014 Get a Handle on Managing all Your Visual Content Assets

These days businesses are creation visual content at an incredible rate, and the question soon arises, where and how to manage these assets? The sheer quantities of images, infographics, videos and creative web art bring into play the need for a cohesive strategy for keeping it all organized should and when you need it.

Assets they are, good for use down the road and as part of your company’s intellectual property. Should you ever want to sell the company at some time, it would be smart to have your visual content assets managed well.

The time savings alone that will occur if you didn’t have to search low and high for that particular image or video can be worth it. Not to mention the need to ensure you have proof of your ownership for these images should a copyright infringement action come against you. That would be an expensive mistake, and one that is totally preventable. Let’s have a quick look at how you can get a better handle on your company’s visual assets.

5 Tips for managing your visual content

Develop a system – Whether you purchase a digital management system and adapt it for your use, or have one designed in-house, it’s imperative that you have a software system that allows you to manage this digitally.

Use your own naming conventions – Make sure you name your image files in a way that depicts what the content is. It saves a ton of time if you name something “old small logo” as opposed to IMG3899976236.

Limit access and establish guidelines – Make sure that you have some control over who accesses your files. This can change as time passes, but keeping up on it is preferable to having problems down the road.

Centralize your storage – Resist the temptation to have files in several different locations. Having your assets in one centralized location, with appropriate backup systems enabled, will make your life a lot easier.

Create access protocols – Not everyone may need the same type of access, and you should be able to control access so that your content is not accessed outside of your company, or by employees no longer employed by you.

December 9, 2014 How to Create a Content Marketing Plan that Rocks!

Creating a Content Marketing Plan is a Necessary First Step!

You’ve heard it a thousand times, nevertheless, content is still very much King. Google loves to rank new fresh substantive content, and most businesses fail at least partially due to a serious lack of content.

And it’s not simply words. It’s a lot of them, authoritative and engaging, original and unique that drive both search engine rankings and traffic. It’s also several other types of content, particularly visual which gets the job done.

So how do you set about crafting all this wonderful content? The first thing to know is you can do this very simply when you create a content marketing plan and determine to follow it. Let’s check out several steps toward generating your own content marketing plan.

Developing a killer content marketing plan

Find your audience and provide them with what they want – All businesses have a unique audience all their own, and yours does as well. You’ll want to identify who they are by creating your own customer “avatar” and understanding what they need.

Decide on types of content – There are several types of content you can use, from simple blog posts to whitepapers, videos, infographics and many more. Decide what you are best able to produce and get on with it!

Create an editorial calendar and stay with it – This part is key: make sure you commit to a publishing schedule and abide by it. Schedule your content in advance, so that not only does it get done, but so that it can coordinate with promotions, product launches and other activities you have going on in your business.

Market your content – Simply creating it isn’t enough, you need to promote your content. With millions of new web pages showing up on the internet daily, it can be difficult to have your voice heard. Promote your content via your social media channels, cross promotions, and even paid ads if appropriate.

December 4, 2014 5 Tips for Winning with Facebook Ads

In the world of paid advertising Facebook Ads have grown to be the number one tool for marketers hoping to get their offers and content in front of vast audiences for a reasonable cost. When compared to other pay per click platforms, such as Google Adwords, Facebook Ads are a Godsend, providing you with a powerful tool at your disposal.

It’s possible to precisely target a vast number of people you may never before have had access to in just minutes, and with a message targeted right to them. There are a few best practices you need to understand to get the most for your advertising buck, and we’ll get you started off down the road to profits with these 5 tips for using Facebook Ads.

5 Best Practices for Your Facebook Ads

Become a targeting master – The single most effective way to succeed with Facebook Ads is to become a whiz at creating targeted audiences for your ads. This is actually not as fearsome as it sounds, as Facebook provides you a number of great tools to help, notably one called Audience Insights. Utilize these to drill down and create the prefect audience for your offers.

Use Mobile and Desktop – Right now the best converting ads seem to be the desktop ads and mobile. Right side ads can also work, but test your offers carefully there. Since mobile now is used more than half of the time to access Facebook, it makes no sense not to use it.

Segment and Daypart – Parsing out your audiences into specific segments you can reuse makes it easier for you to market long term. Also, look into the new feature of dayparting on your ads, delivering them only when your customers have the best shot at seeing them.

Don’t use tired creative – Use vivid and compelling images for your ads. This can take a bit of time, but the right images will sell you ad far better than any words. And please don’t use images that have been used over and over.

Investigate lookalike audiences – Facebook’s ability to create a “lookalike” audience based on your fans, email list, and other factors is a goldmine waiting to be found. Use this before your competition does!