January 2, 2014 How to Use Google Helpouts in Your Small Business

Generally when we think about Google we aren’t exactly getting warm and fuzzy all over. Instead it’s usually exactly the opposite! This time it’s different. The latest offering from the folks in Mountain View is aptly named Google Helpouts. And we’re here to tell you, so far we like it!

What are Google Helpouts?

Google Helpouts are video chats, performed on a timed basis either for free or paid, on the same video chat platform that is used by Google Hangouts. The difference is however, they are one-on-one video chats intended to offer specific assistance to those who request it. There are at the moment eight major categories where people can find someone to aid them, and the choices are extremely wide-ranging. One provider might be offering technical computer help, another guitar lessons and yet another home electrical advice. The choices are endless. All providers are okayed by Google, and are rated by their users.

Can a small business take advantage of Google Helpouts?

This is where you can get imaginative. Google Helpouts seems to be the perfect place to introduce new products, services, or otherwise familiarize potential clients with your business. You can offer low-cost or free consults to folks in your area who are unfamiliar with you, or possibly offer a tutorial on the way to do something that your business specializes in. Think of this platform as an simple way to introduce your business and to begin to build the trust required to build long-term client relationships.

How do you get started with Google Helpouts?

You’ll have to get an invitation, and get approved, but following that all that is required is a Google account, a computer with webcam and a microphone, and a plugin that Google has for you to download. One nice bit of integration is that Helpouts pulls the profile info from your Google account, so for branding purposes this is consistent and easy. Make sure your computer has a least a 2GHz or faster processor, and that your video area is well lit and professional. This is showing off your business after all!

December 23, 2013 Use Visual Media to Increase Your Following

These days it’s not about what you’re reading in social media, but rather what you’ve viewed. Visual media has taken the world by storm, and it’s more than likely you’ve experienced this firsthand yourself. The internet is filled in visual content, and if there were ever a time to begin to make the most of this enormous opportunity, it’s now! Facebook reports that photos generate 53 percent more likes than the average text post. Pinterest has become the 4th largest traffic driver online, and YouTube sees more than 4 billion views daily. Need any more convincing?

Let’s take a look at 5 easy ways to enrich your content with visual media

  1. Use photo sharing sites to exhibit your products! – Sites such as Pinterest, Instagram and Flickr can deliver tons of traffic, along with valuable social signals and links to your pages. You can expect the same and more from posting to Facebook, Google+ and Tumblr.
  2. Create videos – If you haven’t started to make videos for your brand yet, don’t wait a moment longer! There aren’t any real technical barriers to online video, so there goes that excuse! YouTube alone could wind up becoming your largest traffic source, and there are lots of additional choices to choose from as well, such as Twitter’s Vine, Instagram and more.
  3. Create Infographics – A sharable infographic is among the better varieties of new content out there, blending interesting visuals with text and facts. These frequently get shared near and far!
  4. Make your own visual media – Creating memes and other original content will typically stand a better chance of going viral, as they are unique and brand specific.
  5. Crowdsource your visuals! – Get your fans involved by holding contests, promotions and events that they can contribute visual content to your brand. This could easily go viral, and get shared all over!

Content is now largely visual, and this shows no signs off changing in the near future. Tell your brand’s story with visual media and go where the people are!

December 2, 2013 3 Ways to optimize your LinkedIn profile page for marketing

How to Make LinkedIn’s New Profile Work for You!

LinkedIn has exploded from a glorified resume depository to a thriving online community in a short period of time. Having an active community of more than 259 million members and growing, and over 3 million LinkedIn business pages, if you haven’t started to market on LinkedIn, it’s high time you did!

By far the most profitable place to start is with your new LinkedIn profile. Hold on, you say; I already have one. Perhaps, but recently LinkedIn revamped your profile page, and the new version is a perfect opportunity for marketers to plunder, so let’s get to it!

  • Use your headline, summary and contact info smartly! – These areas are the most important in the new profile layout. Know what keywords you would like to be found for, and include them in your headline and summary. You only have 120 characters to work with in your headline, so take some time to craft a compelling statement about you and your business. Because the summary is now positioned above the fold, this also needs careful attention. Make sure you put any ways you like to be contacted in your contact information, and don’t forget to link out to your site from here!
  • Acquire and feature testimonials – It’s all about social proof nowadays, and the more people you can find to rave about you and your business the better. This will also grow connections like you won’t believe!
  • Get a professionally done photo – Don’t publish your latest candid snapshot from your daughter’s birthday party (or worse!). This isn’t Facebook! Get a professional photo done that reflects how you look now, and how you want to appear to a new client, as a number of these people might up being! Resist the temptation to be creative here, or to use old photos, not matter how great they were. They don’t look like you do now, and that may come back to bite you in the wallet!