It’s a plain fact that converting more of your existing visitors into customers is a far easier and cost efficient way to growing revenue than acquiring more traffic. To put this in even clearer focus, getting a 1 percent increase in traffic is worth far less than a 1 percent increase in conversion rates across the board. Far less!
I propose that in 2014 to make it a goal to have a hard look at conversion rate optimization, and discover ways to make more sales using the traffic we already have.
5 Ways to win with conversion rate optimization
Make each page serve one purpose – This will not only serve to help make your page rank better in the search engines, it will most certainly enhance your conversions, since there will be but one purpose to the page, not dozens of links going out willy-nilly.
Optimize your entire sales funnel – It’s not only your web pages that ought to be optimized, but the entire sales and conversion process. What this means is things like your emails, social media and landing pages to begin with. Having a clear goal regarding conversions across all platforms sends a clear message.
Speed things up! – If your pages take more than a couple of seconds to load, folks will move on. This optimization task will benefit you in numerous ways, not the least of which is your page ranking. An awesome tool to help you with this is YSlow.
Plan content with CRO in mind – Everyone is on the content bandwagon for 2014, and for good reason. Do yourself a favor and plan this together with improving your conversions. This applies to even the micro content you publish to social media. You need it all working together for your main conversion goals.
Test everything! – When it comes to conversions, you need to test everything. The seemingly insignificant can matter. Keep in mind, a small percentage gain will add up to large revenue improvements!