You can’t escape it: there’s that nagging truth haunting you as you go about marketing your business on the Web. In a nutshell, it’s the fear that you just aren’t doing enough with social media.
It’s difficult to blame anyone, as the dang thing changes just about every day. With new sites and techniques coming around so frequently, unless you are regularly participating in it, there’s hardly any way to keep up.
So since we know we have to get this social media thing done, let’s check out 4 ways we can set ourselves up for a awesome start in 2014.
4 Tips for a fast start in social media this year!
Use Google+ – Opinions have varied about the efficacy of Google+ as a marketing tool. Although many complain that it will never eclipse Facebook as the primary social media network, the point that marketers need to acknowledge is that there are different uses of each. Google+ can, among other things, help with indexing and SEO, fuel YouTube, make significant business connections, and connect via Google Hangouts. It’s time to get onboard!
Make videos and spread them around! – Okay, you are finally committed to making more videos in 2014. Great! Now go a step further and make plans to get them to go viral by making use of your own social media channels to build up your YouTube channel. This can have an exponential effect on traffic!
Identify and engage your primary social networks – I’m not going to tell you which social networks to use; it’s often different for each and every business, but be sure you identify the ones you’re going to use and make a plan to use those to their full potential.
Make a commitment to consistency – None of this matters if you aren’t willing to make a commitment. Posting once a week to your Facebook page or making one video a month isn’t going to accomplish it. Social media thrives on brands and people who are actively engaging their followers, and people won’t follow inconsistency!