Copywriting is really an art, and if you don’t believe me, ask anyone who’s been tasked to create a sales page. The interplay between words and emotion, products and psychology is an art, and should not be tried at home.

So what are the elements of great copywriting that will get us to this point? What precepts and tips will get our content to rise above and be noticed? Here are 7 copywriting tips to both help your content connect with readers, but also to get noticed far and wide.

7 Copywriting tips that will make your content sing!

Tell a great story – Everyone likes a good story, and if you can spin one while accomplishing your sales aims you’ll be a rockstar. Tugging at emotions and empathy are wonderful tools to employ here.

Focus on benefits – One critical mistake beginning copywriters make is to emphasize features over benefits, which is of course bad, as all of us want to know what’s in it for us!

Make value evident – Making your content extremely valuable in and of itself will make your reader feel as though they’re already gotten a lot from you, enhancing the trust factor in your favor.

Employ questions to set the tone – If you can weave in questions that have them shaking their head “Yes” to all your points, you’ve managed to get it them into the proper mindset for saying yes to whatever else you might want to say. (Hint, hint)

Inject emotion – Using emotions in your copy is a tested method to get your reader to take action, buy into whatever you’re saying or selling, and making a connection with you.

Make your content longer – Studies are showing that the pages that Google is putting on Page One lately are averaging over 2,000 words in length. Wherever possible, publish longer, in-depth content that will also help establish you as an authority in your field.

Get social – Make sure you are using social media to promote your content. Really encourage your readers to share on their social channels, as you never know who may have some awesome connections that will help your incredible content go wide.